Audacity had a freak accident on a hike and crashed with another dog. Immediately I knew something was very wrong. I palpated and could feel that her hip was dislocated. We rushed to the emergency vet in Reno, an hour away, and arriving at 8pm we waited 9 hours before she was seen by the doctor. X-ray confirmed a dislocated hip. She was treated with a closed reduction that morning, which presented as effective. She was on crate rest for 2 weeks afterwards.
08/07/22 My love. My heart. My darling girl. Audacity, my precious puppy. I've loved you since the moment you were born. I waited with bated breath to meet you. I meticulously planned your bringing into this world. And you have rewarded me so. With your heart of gold, your personality, your silliest and your sweetest moments, watching you grow up and creating this bond we have has been one of my greatest pleasures. To know you is to love you and everywhere you go, everyone you meet falls for you. You are my treasure and to see you in pain breaks me. The moment it happened I immediately knew something was very wrong because you cried out... you never cry. You're so tough and so strong. But you cried and you hobbled to me and you couldn't put your leg down. We carried you back to the van and rushed you to the emergency, waiting all night wide awake to hear what was wrong. To hear that you were going to be okay. You're home now and the procedure is done and I am hoping against hope that you will still get to live the life you were meant to. You are such a superstar, you're brilliant and you're fast and you're capable and I know we can go so far together. But even without all of that, I am just happy you're okay. The road to recovery will be long but I am right here with you, and we will make it through this. 08/11/22 My darling girl Audacity has been really spirited these past 2 days. She's so happy and loving. She loves being carried outside to the puppy patio to potty and she happily greets the cat and sniffs all over and stands for affection. She's still not putting any weight on the leg that was injured but she's getting around okay on the three legs, the brief moments I do let her walk around. Still keeping her strictly crated and making sure she has plenty of down time to heal. She has a crate set up in the living room, the media room aka her "uncle"/ my brother's room where we watch TV and hang out, and a crate in my bedroom. So I alternate her around in the different ones so she doesn't feel lonely and can stay where her people are. Yesterday a good friend and client came by to drop off their dog, who was a veterinary technician for a very long time so I had her look Audacity over and she was happy with how everything was feeling, so that was reassuring. I'm still worrying over her constantly and regularly on the verge of tears or throwing up from the stress and worry but I am doing my best to keep it together and not dwell on it too much. Audacity and I both love ice time when I put a cooling pack on her hip and she lays with me and we cuddle and I pet her and kiss her and tell her how lovely she is. She's been quite peaceful despite all the crate time and I don't know if there was ever a better reminder for why I crate train and normalize using the crate on a daily basis. She doesn't think it's super abnormal to be crated and it doesn't stress her out at all. She doesn't like being left out when the other dogs get walks or work but I always make sure she's got a good lasting treat and doesn't have to directly watch. She always knows anyway but we are doing the best we can. 08/19/22 It's been almost 2 weeks now since Audacity's injury. She's been on plenty of medications to sedate her but I only give her the low end of how much is prescribed because she's truly an angel and she's taking all of this down time in stride. It is so hard to think about the future for her now and have to consider the facts that she may not get to have the future we had planned. She may never get to do agility again, even though she was so quickly picking everything up and steadily approaching surpassing her mother in speed. She may never get to catch a disc again, one of her favorite things of all time. I don’t know if she will get to be a mama. I don't even know if she will be able to do off leash hikes with the pack anymore. It's all so uncertain right now until we know how she's healing and if she will need further corrective surgery. It's so insanely hard to think about weighing the pros and cons and quality of life. My first bred by, my Calypso baby, my up and coming sport dog, my treasure may never be the same and that's incredibly difficult to come to grips with. I hate going out and doing things she should be a part of without her. I hate that she's missing out on showing off all her amazing skills and her darling personality while we have friends here. Today I am going to agility class with Calypso and I hate that Audacity isn't coming. It hurts seeing her limping anytime she walks, it hurts wracking my brain and hovering over her and constantly tensing about if she's going to hurt herself further or if she's even healing correctly. I feel over her with my hands every day and that hip still feels different to me than the other one and I worry about it constantly. But there's nothing I can do, nothing I'll know until we get into the vet who couldn't see us until September 1st, so until then I just hope and worry. Fortunately Audacity is still her good natured sweet self and she's thrilled every time she gets to come out for a little bit. She doesn't worry, she doesn't stress, and her cheerfulness does help me. It's been busy but I wanted to make this post because it's a lot of things that have been on my mind. We're all okay and I'll be posting more soon. 09/02/22 Yesterday I went into the vet with Audacity and Calypso, confirmed Calypso's pregnancy via ultrasound and also got the news that Audacity's hip has dislocated again. It's been almost three weeks since the injury and because we don't know exactly when it came back out (although I suspect it's been since day 1, because it never felt quite right to me) she isn't a candidate for an open reduction or toggle surgery. Now my options for her are either total hip replacement or femoral head ostectomy. I'm not sure yet which route we'll go and I'm gathering more information regarding both and speaking with more doctors and people who have experienced these procedures with their dogs. It feels like such an impossible position to be in with my 1.5 year old dog. She was so promising and showed so much potential. While I know no matter which option I choose, she will be happy and cherished and she will live a good life, it's hard to consider that we won't be able to do agility together, we won't be able to do disc, she will never be back to her full pre-injury athleticism. It's also really unfortunate to think about the fact that she'll likely never get to be a mother. While every dog kept in a breeding program is only a prospect for breeding until proven otherwise, I still put a lot of hopes and dreams and money and effort into my dogs, praying that it will work out. Audacity has even already been nearly fully health tested. OFA eyes, patellas, shoulders, thyroid, spine, hip prelims, Optimal Selection DNA testing. I don't normally do much of any health testing prior to 2 years old but with her I did. I'm glad I got a peek at those hips before this injury occurred. So while this has been a devastating blow, I am still very eager and excited for Calypso's upcoming litter and I know Audacity will enjoy being a big sister. Sometimes the good and bad news come together and I'm thankful for the good to balance out this bad. 09/08/22 Today is the day. Audacity is in surgery. Please keep her in your thoughts and send good healing energy our way. I'm not comfortable speaking about what procedure I chose or anything else surrounding the situation at this time so please don't ask. I'm sick to my stomach with worry but mostly I am just eager to have my dog back to herself. Leaving her wasting away in the crate as her muscles atrophied further with each passing day, leading to a harder recovery... I'm just glad that part is over. Now we can get on the road to actually recovering and Audacity can have her life back. I'll have the link for the GoFundMe up in my bio, if you'd like to donate. It's greatly appreciated! Thank you everyone for all of your support and thoughtfulness for my sweet little Daci girl.
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